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Phonezone.ru: наши партнеры, клиенты и друзья

For some time, online gamers have been treating their virtual lives as just another part of their offline lives.

Armed with his lens, photo journalist Robbie Cooper has been facing up to gamers, revealing their intricate lives and identities to the rest of the world.Millions around the world play, meet up, battle, buy and sell in online games and virtual worlds, such as Second Life and World of Warcraft.

Переход на сайт For some time, online gamers have been treating their virtual lives as just another part of their offline lives. в настоящее время невозможен

Сегодня 16 Марта 2025 г. 1030 переходов. 0 новых сайтов добавлено, 0 новых сайтов одобрено.

Управление: phonezone.ru. Добавить сайт. Статистика: Майл Рейтинг@Mail.ru