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Visual C++ Unleashed Table of Contents Menu Main Articles Site map Partner Visual C++ 4 UnleashedInside Front CoverTopic Quick ReferenceVisual C++ 4 UnleashedOverviewPrefaceAbout the AuthorWhat Is New in Visual C++ Version 4?What Is New in the Developer Studio?1 Visual C++ and the Developer Studio2 Project Creation and the AppWizard3 The ClassWizard and the WizardBar4 Source Browsing5 Debugging and Profiling6 Code Reuse with the Component Gallery7 Operating System Overview8 The Message Loop9 Windows, Dialog Boxes, and Controls10 Resource Files11 Drawing and Device Contexts12 Threads and Processes13 Memory Management14 File Management15 The Windows Clipboard16 The Registry17 Exception Handling18 Microsoft Foundation Classes: An Overview19 Exploring an MFC Skeleton Application20 Working with Documents and Views21 Dialogs and Property Sheets22 MFC Support for Common Dialogs and Common Controls23 Using OLE Controls24 Device Context and GDI Objects25 Serialization: File and Archive Objects26 Collection Classes27 Exceptions, Multithreading, and Other MFC Classes28 Object Linking and Embedding: An Overview29 OLE Servers30 OLE Containers31 OLE Drag and Drop32 OLE Automation33 Database Programming Through ODBC34 Data Access Objects35 Writing Messaging Applications with MAPI36 OLE Control Development37 Multimedia Applications38 Implementing Context-Sensitive Help39 TCP/IP Programming with WinSock40 Building Custom AppWizards41 The OpenGL Graphics Library42 Telephony Applications with TAPI43 Network Programming with Pipes and Remote Procedure Calls44 High-Performance Graphics and Sound: The Game SDKBibliographyBook Order ListWhat's on the CD-ROMInside Back Cover Menu Main Articles Site map.
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